The author addresses the fact that books about personal
health are too numerous to count, yet she promises to differentiate herself.
Does she succeed? To a large degree she does, by breaking the process down into
truly small, manageable steps. For example, in the chapter on exercise she
suggests: Consistently do more than what is normal for you. So if you are a
couch potato, then anything is more- she suggests ten minutes of conscious
movement, a goal that might actually seem achievable to a couch potato.
Her tone is casual, not preachy and she gives examples of
her own struggles. I liked her small steps concept- for alcohol she suggests
two or less drink on most days of the week. Many get fit manuals
say give up alcohol completely, just to start, but if someone refuses to give
up their occasional drink, then they never start that program. Another tidbit is: eat breakfast even just a few days
a week. Chances are if you do not eat breakfast now, starting to do it every
day might seem too much, but with this approach you might say to yourself, I
can do a few days, and once you see the increased energy you might keep adding
There are a few success stories
sprinkled throughout the book. I would have liked more and I also would have
liked photos- for me they bring the subject to life and I found this book a bit
text heavy.
What I enjoyed most about this book and what I think
differentiates it, is the focus on the mental aspects of energy. Three of 13
chapters are devoted a section called Feed Your Spirit. The chapters deal with
topics such as happiness, kindness and passion. Yes, most of it we know, but we
do it? Do we laugh every day, do we buy ourselves flowers, do we smile at strangers, do we hold the door? Did you know kindness is good for your immune system? Say good morning, thank you and
have a great day as often as you can. Wouldn't that make your community a better place to live?
It seems to me if we attacked the spirit part first our energy would increase,
then doing the eating and fitness chapters would be easier.
I would recommend this book to someone who feels they need a
change in their life but feels too overwhelmed to start.Keeping with the personal health theme, I highly recommend this learn to run book. It is based on the SportMedBC's 13-week program that has its roots in what is now one of the world's most popular 10-K events, the Vancouver Sun Run.
I have a sentimental attachment to both this program and race. It was the program my husband and I used to get us to our first 10-km race (aforementioned Sun Run) many years ago when we lived in Vancouver, BC. On race day he looked at me and said, "There are more people running here today than lived in Charlottetown, PEI", the city from which we had recently moved.
At the time I swore I would never "learn" to run again. How naive. Life gets in the way. So here I am learning to run again for maybe the third time. I was thrilled when I picked up this book and it was based on the program that got me hooked the first time.
Why is it a great book? It has a program that is geared to injury prevention, a gradual increase in intensity and like the "Energy Now!" book, it focuses on small, manageable steps.
For now my step are small and slow- but they are steps in the right direction.