Sunday 30 October 2011

Group activity hits the mark

After relocating to a new city we consciously search for opportunities to meet people both as individuals and as a family. One common bond we unfortunately share with a specific group is that we have a child with Type 1 Diabetes. Having a child with any condition can be isolating, even if you are living in the town you grew up in. People who do not live with a disease, whatever that condition may be, can never fully grasp what it is like for those on a particular journey.

So we were thrilled to be able to attend a fun event for families of children with diabetes on Friday night at a local archery place. As children and some grown ups, me included, tried their Robin Hood prowess, parents could chat with others who understand the sleepless nights and the 24 hour vigilance that this disease requires.

I was both cheered and saddened to hear my son chatting with two other boys his age about his diagnosis story. Then they talked about what their targets are- their blood sugar targets. I so wish the only targets they had to discuss was how close they had come to that bulls eye!

We all shot with a vengeance when the targets were covered with a sign that read Diabetes.

For a fun evening out with a group I would recommend Jim Bows Archery. He guides you through the process so that is both fun and safe. Worth checking out if you live in Calgary.

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